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Santa Margarita Lake


Grey Pine: 3.3 miles one-way to Vaca Flat, moderate, muliti-use

Lakeside: (unmarked)1.5 miles, dirt road along lake shore from Marina to White Oak, easy, multi-use

Blinn: 9.2 miles one-way (out and back mandatory), moderate to strenuous, multi-use

Sapwi: spur off Blinn after 3.4 miles, accessing Khus Camp (1 mile) and Sapwi Camp (2 miles), moderate, multi-use

Sandstone: 2.7 miles one-way (out and back mandatory), moderate to strenuous, multi-use

East River Road (Staging area for Blinn & Sandstone): 10 miles east of Santa Margarita Lake

Rocky: 1.8 miles one-way (out and back mandatory), moderate to strenuous, multi-use


County Parks

Lopez Lake

Marina: 0.4 miles, moderate, hiking, biking

Rocky Point: 0.4 miles, easy, hiking

Blackberry Springs: 0.8 miles, moderate, self-guided interpretive, hiking

High Ridge: 2.3 miles, strenuous, multi-use

Wittenberg Arm: 1 mile, easy, multi-use

Duna Vista: 7.2 miles, moderate hike, multi-use, a local favorite to hiker, mountain bikers and equestrians. Scenic oak woodland, great views of the lake, surrounding mountain rangers and valleys and don't forget the scenic overlook with a glimpse of the ocean.

Tuouski: 1.8 miles, moderate, hiking

Turkey Ridge: 0.8 miles, strenuous, hiking

Hi Mountain: 7 miles, moderate to strenuous, multi-use (two miles east of Lopez Lake on Hi Mountain Road)

El Chorro Regional Park

El Chorro’s trails range from the scenic views on Eagle Rock to the cool riparian area along Dairy Creek, all in a beautiful setting of coast live oaks and seasonal wildflowers.

Oak Woodland: 1.5 miles, moderate, hiking only

Eagle Rock: 0.7 miles, strenuous, hiking

Open Space Trails

Bob Jones City to the Sea Bikeway: 1.0 miles from the Ontario Road Staging Area to San Luis Bay Drive

Bishop Peak

Bishop Peak: 4.0 miles round-trip, moderate hiking to the top of Bishop Peak accessible from Patricia Avenue in San Luis Obispo

Felsman Loop: 1.7 round trip, easy to moderate, trailhead at accessible from Patricia Avenue in San Luis Obispo



Heilmann Regional Park

Blue Oak: 1.3 mile path around park perimeter, hiking and biking only

Jim Green: 1.7 miles, moderate, mulit-use

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